Photography : Tips & Tricks
Tips & Tricks
Photographing costs nothing
I sometimes get questions, how do you do this or can you help me on my way.
That is why I am going to try to give an explanation page, I think it can be useful for starting and Semi Pro / Hobby Photographers, who also want to try one step more. Of course there are more roads to Rome and I do not have all 100% correct knowledge. But hereby share some of my own experiences, hoping that I could help someone again. My personal opinion is always that sharing information never values you, unless you see yourself as a subordinate to the other. And so you are not convinced of your own qualities.
Main topics :
A) Car and Motor photography safety
B) Tips & Tricks about photography
C) Commercial use and sale of your work
D) Photographing costs nothing
Personally, I think item A is the most important and I think there is still room for improvement at the locations and for the executive photographer
A. Car and Motor photography Safety I will mention a number of safety and responsibility tips that may be important, With a view to car photography,Here I see points for improvement. Based on my own experiences. That does not mean that there are more rules or others, But for myself I use these as the basis. And then you have to deal with the rules of the location (circuits) and sometimes some in adapted form of the Event Organizer, who in his turn hires the circuit. Consider examples of: - 1.Permission,preparations,start - 2.Safety for yourself - 3.Safety for drivers - 4.Safety for bystanders - 5.Possible training sessions (mandatory or not) - 6.Notifications & responsibilities 1a. Permission. Everything starts with the official permission, usually through the official website of the Event or owner of the location. Hereby you fill in all requested information. Try to do this as long as possible in advance, otherwise you run the risk that all Media Accreditations have already been granted or the registration date has been exceeded. After registration you will receive all documentation back by email including your Media pass and other documents. This usually includes: the house rule manual, floor plans, the agenda of the day and a copy of your registration. Print all this documentation and incorporate it carefully. In many cases it also happens that you have to attend a safety 's session at the location (Circuit) in advance (so be well in time) In addition, I always have this at my location as a reference (and keep it digitally as well) on my mobile phone). If I do not know the location, I often try to explore the area at an earlier time in order to minimize surprises from the day of execution. And by minimizing surprises I mean: looking up the suitable photo locations and the surrounding variables. At that time you could also take a number of test photos at the same time. You can then remember or write down these camera settings, times, light and distances. It is also of great importance the time of day, this has everything to do with the light (so that you will be able to photograph against the sun or not later on. The most shadowing of your subject will be most present in the morning hours and from the late afternoon hours.This also gives the best chance of a warm glow from the sun on your photos.Also after visiting (pre-inspection) you immediately know which tools are useful: Think of a staircase or I often have a piece of plastic or bag in my backpack to keep my clothing dirty when wet, or to put on my photo equipment during cleaning, etc 2a. Safety for Yourself. This is how selfish it may sound the most important point, safety for your self. For me, safety is number 1 because I grew up with it and I am still in contact with it every day. I regularly see a lot of room for improvement at many different locations, I mention a few: clothing regulations (mandatory or not, but to your advantage) the right protective (safety) shoes, so no sneakers , no flip flops, long pants, safety vests, hearing protection, glasses, gloves and warm clothing in the winter, and when it is rainy it is always handy to have a transparent poncho in your backpack (so your safety 's clothing remains more visible and your registration number) The sun can also play tricks on you, Dehydration and burning, Fatigue and glare from the sun. Have a bottle of water in your backpack and possibly a headgear. 2b. Safety for Yourself. Very important to indicate is also the following if you use medication or have a disease. Report this to the organization in advance (in writing) and how to act in an emergency and ensure that you always have this medication with you. And an emergency contact telephone number of your neighbor and / or doctor. I also think you should always let someone know where you are, In addition, always try to work in groups of 2, or try to stay in sight of a 2nd photographer and if necessary you can support each other. So never enter the circuit alone or out of sight of others. Most locations are extensive and sheltered by trees and guardrails, so you will go unnoticed if you stay behind. 2c. Safety for Yourself. You will also be able to find barrels and jerry cans at the locations. These can contain various chemical, oils and combustible substances. Stay away from this and never use an open flame and respect the non-smoking signs. Also wash your hands regularly. 2d. Safety for Yourself. Familiarize yourself with location where are the calamity collection points(muster stations). Where are the escape routes in the buildings or along the circuit to fence the flight. Where is the medical service located and what are the local emergency telephone numbers (write them down for yourself, Usually these are also visible on different locations) there is an AED present and where are the fire extinguishers, Also next to the job where you yourself state, and visually check this by date and for pressure via the pressure gauge. And is this suitable for the purpose? You can see that on the available images, A, B, C type extinguishers. You are explicitly not going to use it yourself, You are not a trained firefighter, You only use this in case of your own safety and escape! Always report a calamity immediately. 2e. Safety for Yourself. If you take photos of your subject (cars) always think of your and others' dynamic environment! Do not sit behind cars, without the driver being aware of this. Keep a safe distance when the engineers are working and do not get in the way. Keep working in the safe indicated zones, follow the indicated lines and always follow the instruction signs. Never take to the track during a race, crossing is only done with the express permission of the present marshall / Officer or other authorized person. In addition, it is true that everything you know so far has been learned and for which you have received written permission lapses if a marshall / Officer or other Authorized Officer has another reason to deviate from this. His word is dominant. Always cancel yourself when leaving the location (administration of the circuit / event) and hand in your vest with your back number. 3a. Safety for Drivers. Show that you are present as a photographer! Do this by using at least the right high visibility clothing that you are required to wear. Always stay in the indicated safety zones. Never cross the job. In case of any kind of doubt, first contact the nearest Marshall / Track Officer, and then carry out your planned action. Be alert with loose papers, plastic, your cap on the circuit! They can blow up the track and cause accidents. Do not get in the way in the workshops and stay at an appropriate distance. These people are focused and need to focus on their race. You as a photographer must not be a disturbance factor. 4a. Safety for Bystanders. Discuss with bystanders any inappropriate behavior. Speak to them if they do not comply with the site's safety rules or code of conduct! Always report this problem immediately if it (may) pose a danger to others, At the Marshall / Officer. Also consider the environment (dumping of waste) and reputation damage to the disadvantage of the location. Help bystanders with any problems or illness (become unwell). As a returning photographer of the location, you often have more knowledge about the First Aid location, and extinguishers, AED, than the standard visitor. In addition, I regularly see in practice that some visitors with an expensive bought or received VIP Pass (and therefore have official permission) to be present in the Pitlane's and Boxes, walk free and present themselves as a loosely beaten and unguided group of dangerous chickens. My personal preference would be that they also have to wear a High-Vis Vest as a minimum! And like all others, they should also behave according to the rules and respect them. But some think with owning a VIP Pass, that they have bought or own the event. I personally call it anti-social and intolerable behavior. I am also certainly not a fan of alcohol use or presence in these closed zones than the standard audience. 5a. Training. I with a high sense of responsibility can sometimes talk to much about safety, but I would still like to ask you a few things to think about. Would it not be good for you as a photographer or others who have close or indirect links to a circuit to consider following at least the basic first aid certificate and basic fire extinguisher training? I also own these and many more extensive variants. This is separate from my photography, but is very useful. This in the first place to save yourself and also bystanders, also in your private life. I also see in other industries outside motorsport for a kind of basic safety certificate that is made mandatory by the work and clients, Maybe according to some I am now breaking through and getting into armor, But I would certainly be in favor of a (mandatory ) Safety certificate specially for photographers along the track. Perhaps this is a task for, for example, the KNAF / Knac National Motorsport Federation ( is recognized by NOC * NSF / VWS / CIK / FIA) that sets up an online learning module. In some countries around us, a first aid certificate is required to obtain your basic driver's license. My "Safety" s tip is also to the KNAF to put their current website on the internet in an English version. The latter also applies to many Circuits, where I regularly only see the local language, which is used in the country of origin, this while motorsport is international! I also sometimes see starting (hobby) photographers under the age of 18, independently present at the locations. I myself am in favor of a minimum of 18 years and preferably also in possession of a driver's license, so that you can better estimate where the blind spots of a car are. Or under the guidance of a more experienced photographer in the vicinity. 6a. Notifications & Responsibilities. I think that a photographer (and everyone involved in the event) has the obligation to report deviations on location (most of them do this too). Imagine you discover a cut fence through which unpaid visitors can come in. You report this, if you do not, you are also responsible in my eyes if later an unpaid and ignorant visitor accidentally enters the road and causes an accident! This is no telling, but taking your responsibility. Also report any other things that could pose a hazard, such as defects or status of maintenance of local equipment that you would notice or inspection labels and dates on fire extinguishers. But it may also be that you find loose parts of cars on the track or in this danger zone, (without the Track Authority) noticing them. (Since these locations are so extensive, there can always be things that are overlooked, that is human) Or damaged asphalt surfaces, loose stones, guardrails, defective signal lights, loose and non-insulated electrical cables, litter etc. Take pictures directly with your mobile phone and leave this to the nearest circuit authority see. You can also email this immediately afterwards (to the circuit location itself) always mention here: subject, time, location on the circuit or track, building and possibly the solution or action. All this is also in the interest of the safety of the photographer present.
Useful link for Tips & Tricks about photography (English)
Useful link for Tips & Tricks about photography (Dutch)
Because photography is so extensive and I still work on my knowledge on a daily basis, I also use these as a guide sometimes
C. Commercial use and purchase: You can purchase and sale photos through the (example) web shops below. These are logo free and large format and with license for your business or private use.
Some examples you can use this for:
- Wall decorations
- Websites
- Business purposes
- As a gift
Example photo sale webshop: 500PX (English)
Example photo sale webshop: GettyImages (Dutch)
Free use: Some images you find with logo s (and some without) can be downloaded for free and used for non-commercial use.
With the exception that you state the name of the photographer or place a link in moste cases.
Some examples you can use this for:
- Teaching material at schools
- For charities and foundations with a social interest
- Museums
- Hospitals
Protection example: In addition to both of the items described above, there is also some protection for your and others photo work. Make this clear in your agreements and make this visible on your media.
© CopyRights: The Following rules apply to all my photos on this Website / several Media / Facebook / Twitter / Youtube / Instagram and More. and this brochure: © CopyRights This means that you cannot use these unsolicited or without (written) permission for purposes other than mine.
Commercial sharing: This means that you Cannot use these unsolicited or without (written) permission for Commercial purposes.Email Contact for Commercial permission
Free sharing: This means that you Can use these unsolicited or without (written) permission for Personal (Sharing) purposes, But you have permission only to share this photos when you mentioned the name, Tag and / or put my website link to it
D. Photographing costs nothing? About rates and costs.
'Taking a photo doesn't cost you anything', has become a common comment in the digital age. Indeed, you no longer have the costs of rolls and development and printing.
I may not hear it daily, but certainly weekly. There you are with your beautiful equipment. Costs nothing? Huh? The equipment can vary in costs from 10K € to 100K € and more, depending on the professionalism of the photographer / entrepreneur.
For entrepreneurs and even for hobby photographers, taking photos is more of a passion than a big source of income, and most of them still have a job to keep their heads above water.
Respect and empathy for the photographer
Now that I have given you a small impression of the average cost structure (which business photographers use) you may also have a better understanding of them and why photos offered online differ in prices, such as for example some web shops use 50 € to € 500 or sometimes more each. And those photo web stores or their intermediary in turn also get a (the majority) part of it